

Fried Day

Well, after a long weekend of GTA playing and party-ing, I'm ready for bed at 9:01. I guess that was...8:01 yesterday...or 10:01...I don't know, I never know. I hate this stupid time change every year. Why can't we be like Arizona? I don't get it. It's stupid. Anyway, I forgot to say Happy Halloween so...Happy Halloween. It just doesn't mean as much as it used to. I remember when we were kids and Halloween was second only to Christmas on the Holiday list. I used to await the candy and costumes, trick or treating with friends...it used to be so cool, now I barely notice that today is Halloween. I don't have any candy and these kids keep ringing my doorbell, for those of you who don't know, my doorbell is like 4 minutes long. Don't ask me why but it just is. This means that by the time the bell is done ringing, the next kid is here...ringing it again. I stopped answering the door a half an hour ago when I ran out of cough drops. I thought about giving out condoms, but those kids are too young for that anyway. That's why I like the idea of Chrisoween. Check it out at DbSO. Anyway, I think we need more holidays where people can dress up and act stupid...wait that's every weekend here. Oh well, I'll leave you with that and have a Happy...whatever day this is.

Currently Listening to: "Always" - Bon Jovi

That's better than my situation, at least you have a lot of candy to eat now. I don't even have that.
Chrisoween can only be a relatiy with support from people like you*.

*you being everyone.
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