


I just wanted to let you know that I did, in fact, see the comments on my "Blind Rage" and "God Bless America" posts. I don't know why some people have that much hostility toward me...I get angry sometimes but usually it's not directed at one person. I know why some people may not be happy with me right now, but that doesn't constitute comments like that, especially on a site like The Vision. I try to keep this site PG-13 for our younger readers and those who don't appreciate vulgarity and crude speech. I slip every once in a while but I think it works quite well considering my other two sites that I share with bloggers. These other sites contain vulgar language and content but I try to keep this one as clean as possible. Sean, I think, does the same with his. We just started this way and we try to keep it this way. If you do have a problem with me that must be discussed in terms such as those (which is perfectly fine) I would appreciate it if you would take it someplace where I am free to defend myself in those same terms. F**kerHead or The Same Blog would suit this kind of confrontation just fine. Thank You.

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