

Despite my best efforts...

Despite my best efforts, Sean (with a little help from Abby and Amy) has persuaded me to think about moving to Albuquerque. I tried and tried to resist, but I just can't help wanting to be up there with everybody...The A's are moving up there after next semester, and Sean's already there...I'll be the only one left here. The only thing that keeps me here is this incredibly good job I have. I know I complain about it sometimes but it has so many benefits that its hard to even think about leaving. This job currently pays 9 bucks an hour (a lot for LC) and every 30 hours in school, I get a 1 dollar raise. So at the end of college (if I stay here) I will be making around 14 dollars an hour. Also, my maximum time allowed to work during school is 20 hours. I cannot work more. That is great for study time...I don't really use it for that but, its good in theory. Also, any time I'm not in school, I can work 40 hours, and at 10 dollars +, this is bank! One of the best benefits is that I get paid for any government holidays (which there are surprisingly a lot of) and I get vacation time and sick leave. I feel like a real adult with a real job, I mean...Vacation time? I didn't get that at McDonald's! In thinking about the future, this job usually ends when I graduate college. About 90 percent of Co-ops (that's what I am) get hired by the company that employs them while in school. What this means for me, is that, when I graduate, I have a pretty good chance of getting picked up by NASA. That is great, a government job, with benefits and all kinds of good stuff, I wouldn't even have to look for a job...It's just so hard to think about leaving. If I can find a high paying job up in the ABQ, comparable to this one, I will move there, but it seems pretty hard to top this one...I'll be looking (Sean, keep your eyes out) and if anyone else sees something I might be qualified for, let me know.

Currently Listening to: Myself breathe through my mouth (I'm sick, thanks guys, you know who you are)

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I'm not posting any more 80s (or 70s) questions from now on. Nobody seems to be interested in the post, just the music question.
OK what happened to all the comments? Job-wise, the best paying jos are for the most part work study, and if you qualify for financial aid then you qualify for work study. Check t out. BW
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