I, Robot?

Since blogger wouldn't let me blog yesterday...or today, I got an idea: "Back to the primitive!" I used: PEN AND PAPER! (Bum, Bum, Baa!) Can you believe it? Anyway, I thought I would write my posts down so when I can finally blog (which will be today for you readers) I'll know exactly what I was going to post. Anyway, lately I've been feeling like a robot. At work, I walk down the hall to make copies and I don't even know it. When I get back to my desk with copies in my hand, I am amazed. How did I get these? I must have been to the copier again... I walk through the office in a daze. Some days I don't even know if I'm really even there. Sometimes I have to go to the bathroom and end up at the copier. Other times I have to make a copy and ask myself: "What am I doing in the bathroom?" My programming must have gotten messed up. I take orders all day, I don't even question them. I just do what they tell me, all day long. I have no input. I don't even have to think. Am I really real?
Currently listening to: Complete Silence (it's off Friday, I'm the only one here)