

I'm so proud...

Blogger, I salute you!

I was just looking back at all my old posts, as I do from time to time, and thinking about how boring life was before blogger. I remember not knowing how to express how I felt. I used to write in this notebook. It was so...primitive. Blogger changed my life. I know that sounds all infomercial and everything but just think about how things would be if we couldn't just look at eachother's sites and know...It's somehow a better way of keeping in touch. It's like calling everybody at once and telling them what happened to you. I know I sound all soft but I can remember a time when I didn't have blogger. I remember when I found out about it too. I saw "How Blogs Work" on How Stuff Works. I was immediately hooked. I started my blog as soon as I could. At the time, I could only blog from work. I had just moved out of my house and I didn't have internet at my house for about 2 months. So for those two months, I tried to think of things to post, then recall them when I got to work. I was always trying to find interesting things to say...until I realized that a blog is whatever you are. You can post about anything and nothing and it's the same as promoting your favorite site or linking to somewhere... Sean saw my site and started one soon after. Welcome to the Jungle was born. We tried to post all the time, and about our favorite stuff. I remember posting a lot about Grand Theft Auto. Sean Posted about Halo. We were young bloggers, we didn't know what we were doing. Not that we do now, but I like to think that after 6 months, we are seasoned enough to keep readers interested. That's why you won't see too many posts as long as this one. This however, is important. History (I like to think). I can't remember what came next...probably Dust's site, full of Misha Pics. Carmen Electra came into the Jungle some time before that though. A while later, Dick, Lola, and Ashleigh joined the blogsphere. The only one still here is Lola's, I'm Special. Sometime in between here I discovered Distracted By Shiny Objects and took inspiration from Steimer to open up a whole new way to blog: Humor. After this, the bloggers flooded in. I couldn't keep up with the promos. Crazy Eric wanted in, so F**ker Head was born. Sometime after, Laura started The D Files and let us in on the happenings at Dartmouth. By this time, the storm of Bloggers was creating a community and comment frenzy. Back and fourth as we do today were comments and conversations. New ideas were all over the place, one of which was a multi-authored venture by Sean and I with F**ker Head. Since Eric's posts were few and far between, we decided to take on the challenge of expressing our anger for all to read. This same idea led to The Same Blog. Dustin and Dick felt that everybody could contribute to one blog and it would be great...so we did it. The blog craziness continues with anonymous commenters and controversy on Starry Night (Abby's Site), and Questions of the Day on InsertCatchyTitleHere (Amy's Site)...And don't think I forgot to mention the newest member of the Blogsphere: Big Jake with Big Jake's Spirit of the Wild. With all these blogs out there now, I feel pressured to write great posts every day...but I wouldn't have it any other way. I could never feel out of the loop with this community we have created together, and I'm sure all the other members feel the same way. All of this is not to say that we are the only blog-mmunity out there. There are millions of blog-webs out there, but ours is pretty damn cool and I'm sure it will keep growing...

Currently listening to: "Hail Mary" - Tupac (Makaveli)

Speaking of blogging communities, I have found some of the coolest blogs ever by clicking that button in the right hand corner of every blog that says next blog. It randomly sends you to another blog. My favorite one so far? Countingdominos.blogspot.com
that was BW
*sniff sniff* our little bloggers are all grown up *sniff sniff*

I love them, thats why I check them 6 times a day. You guys are great, even though I don't know you I still read your guys lives everyday, and sometime but in to add my 2 cents. Keep up the good work guys (everyone) and I'm glad to see you found a way to express yourslef (Brett). Kepp it up my homies from NM.

Steimer from PA
(that distracted by shiny objects guy)
OK I had assumed that someone in NM knew who the DBsO bloggers were, but does no one actually know them? Not that I care...Its still damn funny
I would say I know him. Never met him but I know him. Blogs let you inside someone's head in a unique way. You would have a hard time seeing this with anything else. I think we know him and he knows us better than we know some people in our own city.
Hey Brett, that was Rich (boyfriend) on my blog...he had no idea about the anon problem there has been lately, but he didnt mean what he said in a bad way. He kids around like that. But now he is apprehensive about visiting me next summer...he thinks nobody likes him...he does have a blog now btw. check my blog for the link.
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