

Just One of Those Days

I also blew up this small town yesterday...cause I felt like it.

Sorry guys, yesterday was just one of those days...I got shot 9 times in the head. Not really! Would I be writing this if I got shot in the head? Well, come to think of it, I probably would. See. How dedicated is that? If I was hospitalized for being shot 9 times in the head, I would STILL post. Yesterday sucked and I couldn't even find the time to write 2 words, no joke. Anyway, I tried some of that Chunky Chili that Sean was promo-ing on his site the other week. IT'S GREAT. Tha Captain actually brought me some of that stuff. IN-POOING-CREDIBLE! I can't believe it, if you have not tried this...soup?...stew?....CHILI, then go out and buy yourself a can...or 10. Right now. Go! Go buy it! Also, Abby now has a blog, check it out: Starry Night OK well I'm pissed though cuz Tesla (the greatest band ever) was touring with The Scorpions (the other greatest band ever) and they came to El Paso. I couldn't go cuz I had homework. What kind of world is this that school will hold me back from such a monumentous occasion? How am I going to sit at home and write a paper on the career fair when The two greatest bands ever are in the vicinity? I just did. I tried not to think about it. OK well I need to get off blogger and do...(guess, go ahead)...HOMEWORK. Four more weeks, four more weeks, four more weeks..........

Currently Listening to: "Finally Found a Reason" - Days of the New

es snoodai!
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