

Oye Como Va

Something has happened. Just kidding. Nothing really happened. Isn't that vierd? OK so, again, I must apologize for not posting yesterday, I'm sure you all missed my Sunday whine fest...or you didn't. Maybe I shouldn't be so arrogant as to think that you all read my site everyday...religiously. I hope that you do, but I shouldn't think so. Maybe I'll get one of those site counter things that Sean and Dust have to verify. Or not. That's a little like looking at the clock before you go to bed. I don't do that, for those of you who didn't already know. I purposely avoid looking at the clock before bed. I don't want to know what time it is before I go to sleep because then, in the morning, I can count the hours and it makes me MORE tired to know that I only got 5 hours of sleep. I think fatigue is at least 50% psychological. If I know that I will be tired in the morning, I make myself think I am tired...feel tired. Of course there is real fatigue but you mind makes it worse if you know that you went to bed at 2am and woke up at 5am. Anyhow, some of the people that know this about me (which includes you now) like to mess with me by telling me what time it is right before I go to bed...so I'd appreciate it if you didn't. Thanks. Lots of homework to do, people to screw, and popsicle sticks to glue.

Currently listening to: NOTHING (going insane, what is life w/o music?)

HEy everyone, Friday is Becca's B-day, so make sure to email her or somethin, becca@zianet.com, OK?
i for one do read your blog religiously. i even have a ritual. i have a little rug i take out and the computer has to sit on the rug and......ok no, i dont read your blog religiously. but i read it often. so you should really post everyday.
oh right. i'm jewish now. this is SO confusing!
Looking at the clock before you go to sleep does not change the fact that you are still sleep deprived. I don't believe your psychological theory. Besides 5 hours of sleep is nice, you lightweight!
yeah i'm jewish because lindsay the jew said so.

i wasnt muslim but i get confused a lot.
HOLY POO!! I suddenly have all types of comments on this peice! you guys! Laura is part jewish and I do post everyday and if you comment anonymously please tell us who you are and...
I can remain anonymous if I want, you brat! By the way, I'm half Jewish...
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