

Lil Crickets

I noticed the other day when looking in the mirror, that I had two little guys on my shoulders. I didn't think anything of it because they weren't really doing anything threatening. Then a situation came up where I had to make a decision with moral implications...These little dudes started fighting and arguing like nothing else. The result was me having a conversation with...myself. Have you ever done that. Had a conversation with yourself? It's really like two different people inside your head. One justifies your bad behavior and the other tries to impress morals onto your decision. I can't believe this fact. One cannot, no matter how hard one tries, get along with one's self. Why is this? How are we expected to interact and agree with other people if we can't even get along with ourselves? Sometimes I wish these "people" inside me could be separated into some kind of clone. One would be all one way and the other would be all the other way. I always thought a clone would be perfect. You would never really disagree with your clone...or so I thought, until I saw this scenario in my head. If you were to clone yourself, what would stop you from totally disagreeing or even fighting, physically, with "yourself" If you can't agree with yourself as one person, how would another "you" affect your life? In the movies, the clone always agrees to go to school for you and take all your tests and do your chores, while you (the original you) go off and do fun stuff. But if the real you wanted to do the fun stuff, what would stop your clone from wanting to do the same stuff? It has the same urges as you, the same wants, the same desires...it IS YOU! What's to stop this other "you" from trying to make you you do the boring stuff, and if this altercation was to actually happen, what's to stop you from trying to take you out. The only reason you don't do this now is because, to kill the other you, you would have to kill you too, which would defeat the purpose of killing yourself in the first place, because the only way you could benefit from this action is if you were separated...which brings me back to the clone thing. If there was a clone of you, you would probably kill it in like 2 days.

And that's that.

Currently listening to: Nothing (But on the way to work, I listened to "Free Bird" - Lynyrd Skynyrd)

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