

One more minute

When you say "one more minute," you're just delaying the inevitable...defying the undeniable...avoiding the expected outcome that is and will consume your life and undying will (or so you thought). Are we still stuck in this airless universe...cyling on a bubble without purpose or motivation? Why we spin has nothing to do with us or our range of control...so why do we waste "one more minute" thinking about it? Why do we insist upon using our resources that some may refer to as "valuable" (I prefer to think of as limited and non-impacting) on unattainable ventures? Why am I talking like this...I'm not talking. I'm just letting my fingers type what they will and...this...all this is what comes out. This concept brings to mind our creation...

Just letting the fingers mold the clay how they will...without specific purpose or consequence...until a figure emerges, and surprises even the artist...

Music from the commute: "One More Minute" - Authority Zero

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