Penny for you feet?
Today, I found a penny in my shoe...I don't know how it got there...it was just there. I was walking around and I felt something in my shoe. I pulled it off, and a penny fell out. Weird huh? OK so I know the penny wasn't in my shoe when I put it on, cuz I was walking around all day and I didn't feel it. My shoes are tight, so it couldn't have fallen in there...I just don't get it. I figure it's divine-penny-placement at work. So then I start thinking...what does this mean? I mean, it has to mean something. Maybe it means I'll have good luck! Or maybe it means bad luck...Or maybe it means I'll come into some money! That would be great. Or maybe it means that I need money...which is true. Maybe it's an omen of death. Maybe it means that I'll be killed by a rouge flock of seagulls. Maybe it means that I'll eat a tuna sandwich tonight. Maybe it means my car will break down. Maybe it means I'll get sick next week. Maybe it means I'm going to lose my hair. Maybe it means that I should be nicer to people. Maybe it means I'll get a strange phone call today...
Maybe it means I'm not ready for the real world...if I can't even figure out what a stupid penny in my shoe means...not to mention how it got there! Maybe it means, I'm the only normal one...Maybe it means I'm not normal...unnormal, abnormal, nonnormal, disnormal...Maybe it means I like to make up words, maybe it means that I'm writing a post that is entirely too long on a subject that has been beat to death at least 10 sentences ago.
Maybe it means nothing.
Currently Listening to: "Lil' Girl" - 213