


Game Review Time:

Midnight club 3: Dub Edition came out last last Wednesday, but being the super sneaky and intuitive ninja that I am, I got it a day early. I felt pretty privileged to be the ONLY one in LC to have this game at that time. Anyway, it has subsequently taken over my life. I'm sure I would have found some other idle distraction to keep me from my homework, but this game is my current excuse. I swear this is the best racing game on the market...all you GT4 addicts can just keep your "realism" comments to yourself. If I wanted pure realism I wouldn't be playing video games now would I? Plus GT4 has a SUPER realistic damage engine now doesn't it...OH WAIT - THERE IS NO DAMAGE IN GT4!!!! Well, that doesn't seem to realistic to me. BUT ANYWAY, I've said little about MC3DE. DUB magazine worked with Rockstar on this one to create the most entertaining and fully customizeable racer out right now. Dub adds all the details and options to cars that you could ever want. I don't think there is a part on a car that I have wanted to change, but couldn't...because I can change EVERYTHING. MC3 gives you the option of buying and selling cars, customizing them, and making a profit, racing for money and cars...and everything in both previous Midnight Club games...and more! Every car is fully customizable - Here is a breakdown of what you can change on just about EVERY car:

There is so much to do in this version. There are optional city races you can do for fun or extra cash. The character races return, where you can flash your lights at a potential opponent and go to a race point to start. A new edition to this game are tournaments where the prize is a vehicle and a large amount of cash. There are also "car exclusive" races that you may only enter if you are driving a: luxury vehicle, sport bike, truck or turner, respectively. This game is so cool. I've been playing for two weeks in lieu of homework, logged 20+ hours and STILL am only around 50% complete. BUY THIS GAME.

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