
Camping is badass. Check this out: I used to go camping with my parents when they went. But then I figured this out: Camping with your parents is like...spending a whole weekend with them. You can't get away from them. You're with them 24 hours for those days! Why would I want to do that? At least when we're at home, I could get go to my room, or even to a friend's house...but camping...there's nowhere to go. You're stuck in the wilderness with your parents for 2 or more days out of the week. Why would I subject myself to this kind of torture? I DON'T KNOW! It's not that I don't like my parents, they're great. It's just that spending more than 1 whole day with them can result in some pretty violent arguments about...pretty much anything! So, once I figured this fact out, I decided not to go with them anymore...and for the rest of the time that I lived there...this decision worked out pretty well for me. They went camping, I stayed home. It provided a chance for both parties to enjoy time away from the other. I know they enjoyed being away from me...and I enjoyed the solitude of a parentless house.
Now that I've moved out, I'm sure camping with my parents wouldn't be so bad, taking into account the lack of quality time we spend together these days...but alas...camping w/ them is a thing of the past. All I can do is look back on those experiences and appreciate them for the things they taught me...none of which I can recall at the moment...but I'm sure there was something good I learned. In all seriousness, I remember having a lot of fun camping when I was young. I just grew out of camping with my parents. Maybe it's just a personal issue that nobody else has experienced. I doubt it though.
Now that I'm out of the house and anxious to get out of town once in a while, camping has a new appeal: Camping with the boys. We're goin out in full force (not "full anal force" eric) to conquer the wilderness and set some shit on fire! But seriously, the camping trip this weekend is going to be an experience that we never thought possible when we were young...and I'm sure there'll be some nature included too. Just the thought of being out in the middle of nature: Peeing on trees or in bushes, OWNing our own fire, sleeping under the stars, cooking our own hardcore camp food (probably hotdogs and sandwiches, but...whatever - still hardcore) and doing whatever the hell we want because...WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE...is awesome! I can't wait cuz it's gonna be the "sperience" of a lifetime...well, probably not, because I'm sure we'll do it again. But it will definitely be an experience...to say the least.
I would say that there will be a follow up post about how the trip went...but I won't because I always say there will be a follow up post about...whatever...and I never really follow through. So this time I say: Have some great camping experiences of your own, and we'll have ours. If you ever get a chance, ask me how it went and I'll tell you. Also, hope that I don't get attacked by a bear or anything (I don't want PETA all over my ass if I have to headbutt any animals).
"Been so long..."
"heat's been on..."
I know it's been entirely too long since my last substantial post...but I'm not even sure anybody reads my blog anymore...
I've been working full time and that kicks my ass...
After work I just play video games...
Pretty much this is my life nowadays...I'm thinking of getting a second job to keep me busy after this job. I don't have much to do after work so...
I'm thinking of working at Staples - They've got that.
I love office supplies.
I know it's been entirely too long since my last substantial post...but I'm not even sure anybody reads my blog anymore...
I've been working full time and that kicks my ass...
After work I just play video games...
Pretty much this is my life nowadays...I'm thinking of getting a second job to keep me busy after this job. I don't have much to do after work so...
I'm thinking of working at Staples - They've got that.
I love office supplies.

There's someplace I wanna be,
That's too far away to be reachable.
But somehow I'll get there.
Is this false hope?
Or determination?
I can't say for myself.
But who is qualified to judge?
Maybe I won't have to go.
Maybe it will come to me.
I'll just wait.
Then I'll be just where I want to be.
Currently Listening To: "Straight Outta Compton" - NWA

When I look into the sunset
I can see my future
I know that's cliche
More than you know
but it applies so I can say it
like the air around me
I'm breathing
but it's life that comes out
not CO2
I have this gift
but I don't know how to use it
I feel so...confused and vulnerable
everybody can see me mess up
everybody can laugh if I stand here long enough
but once I figure it out
I'll be envied
I'll be wanted
I'll be so fly
I'll be superman
Done with School, Moving Out, and Chocolate Water
I'm FINALLY done with school. Finals kicked my ass, but I am so, so ready for these 4 months of freedom. I feel there is so much that I can finally do...I can re-organized my CD collection (which I actually did last night) I can...uh, well I'm sure I'll figure out some more stuff to do this summer. HA!
I was planning on moving out of my current residence this weekend, but plans have changed...well, plans have been delayed is more like it. I was going to move back to my mom's for a few months until I could find a place...but honestly, I don't think that my parents could deal with having me around anymore. I pretty much do what I want lately, I play loud music, come home late, take showers at 2:00 in the morning...I don't even think about these things...but I'm sure my mom wouldn't appreciate ICP at 2:00 in the morning. I'm staying at my house for a little longer...about 2 more months. Then I'm moving out...though I'm not sure where yet. Anyway, it will be cool, I'm not rushed to do anything. I have about a month to chill before my summer class starts.
Also, my roommate drinks chocolate water. I guess there was no milk, so she put the chocolate syrup in water - chocolate water. That's gross.
Living in Las Cruces isn't as bad as a lot of people say. I, for one, love it here. People always tell me: "it sucks here, come up with at least one reason why living here is cool" And for those people, I have this picture:

Picture taken by Mike Lowinske
It's beautiful here.
This picture will be taken down in a couple of days because it's HUGE and it takes up too much space on my blog. I just wanted you skeptics to see this...
I was planning on moving out of my current residence this weekend, but plans have changed...well, plans have been delayed is more like it. I was going to move back to my mom's for a few months until I could find a place...but honestly, I don't think that my parents could deal with having me around anymore. I pretty much do what I want lately, I play loud music, come home late, take showers at 2:00 in the morning...I don't even think about these things...but I'm sure my mom wouldn't appreciate ICP at 2:00 in the morning. I'm staying at my house for a little longer...about 2 more months. Then I'm moving out...though I'm not sure where yet. Anyway, it will be cool, I'm not rushed to do anything. I have about a month to chill before my summer class starts.
Also, my roommate drinks chocolate water. I guess there was no milk, so she put the chocolate syrup in water - chocolate water. That's gross.
Living in Las Cruces isn't as bad as a lot of people say. I, for one, love it here. People always tell me: "it sucks here, come up with at least one reason why living here is cool" And for those people, I have this picture:

Picture taken by Mike Lowinske
It's beautiful here.
This picture will be taken down in a couple of days because it's HUGE and it takes up too much space on my blog. I just wanted you skeptics to see this...