

Moving Sucks

I moved all day yesterday...not just moving like physical activity...moving stuff. My girlfriend and I were up till...I don't even know how late moving stuff. I don't remember moving sucking this much when I moved out of my parent's house. Maybe it's because it was SO nice to be out of there...I actually liked the house I was living in YESTERDAY. But oh well...that's just how it goes I guess. My room is currently filled with boxes...with a little path to walk to the door...the next week will consist of working in the day...unpacking at night. UGGGHH! does not sound fun.

I've decided that moving is a bit like not moving...in the sense that you're not actually doing anything...anything being everything but work...which is, in fact, what you are doing. I think I remember work being defined as exerting energy to move something...I think that's right because I remember a picture of a guy pushing on a wall and a caption that said "Is this man doing work?" and the answer was no, because although the man was exerting energy, he was not moving anything...not accomplishing a damn thing...except to make himself tired. What a dumbass. anyway that's exactly my point. That you can manipulate anything to mean anything you want it to mean. Like when I said that we didn't do anything. If I define anything to mean "everything except work" then we weren't doing anything, we were doing nothing...if nothing is defined as "work and nothing else...or work and not anything" Basically "not anything" translates to "nothing" anyway so you can just say "nothing" and I'll know you mean "not anything" because...pretty much that's what it means? Right? Left.

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