I want to take some time to reflect...on the past year in the Vision. One year ago, on July 29, 2004, I started this blog with an open mind. I had no idea what would become of it. A couple friends joined Blogger, and we had a blog community. Only a few of us are left now, but it's still all I ever thought it would be. Happy birthday Vision.
War of the Worlds

I watched War of the worlds the other day with my friend and girlfriend. The movie was great! Spectaclar special effects, great plot, great ending...but I have to give this movie 2 thumbs in the ground. I will never...EVER watch another movie that stars Dakota Fanning. Eff her. This stupid little girl, totally screwed up the movie. Tom Cruise was great. She sucked. The whole movie was ruined for me, because every scene she was in (oh, wait...she was in EVERY scene) I was thinking about how nice it would be if some other little girl of comparable age and size came onto the screen and kicked Dakota in the head. I will forever boycott her movies. She sucks so much bung that I want to throw up.

Tell me she doesn't look retarded right here.
Currently listening to: "All the Critics in New York" - Westside Connection
Sad to report
I'm disappointed to report that the shuttle will NOT, in fact, launch today. Apparently, there is a low level fuel sensor that has malfunctioned and cannot be immediately repaired.
Happy Birf day a yo
It's my birthday today...so: Happy Birthday to me! I don't feel different...I never really do until about six months later. Then I start to feel my age. But that's no different than anybody else I suppose.

I think I'm more excited about the shuttle launch scheduled for today. Today marks NASA's "Return to Flight" as the space shuttle Discovery makes the first launch since the Columbia disaster just a few years ago. Working here at NASA WSTF is exciting today simply because excitement is contagious. Everybody here has had their part in the shuttle's success, weather it be large, small, direct, or indirect. I think everyone feels a little bit of pride today as the shuttle sits on the launch pad, ready to ascend into the sky. We're all scheduled to watch the launch from the conference room today. I can imagine that everybody will be holding their breath as the timer continues to count down...and they will continue to hold it as Discovery rises from sight. I hope everything goes well with the launch today and I know it will prove to be a spectacular sight. I wish I could be there.
Another interesting fact I learned recently is White Sands Space Harbor (WSSH) is the primary emergency landing site for the space shuttle and the third alternate site as well. What this means is: If the shuttle should have some malfunction or emergency, and NASA deems it "unsafe" to land at the normal location, it would land here in New Mexico at WSSH. This would be an incredible and exciting event in itself, but I hope it doesn't land here...because that would mean there would be a potentially dangerous problem. In case of bad weather or other complications at the primary and alternate landing sites, WSSH would also be used to land the shuttle.
Currently listening to: Pre-launch Commentary - NASA TV

I think I'm more excited about the shuttle launch scheduled for today. Today marks NASA's "Return to Flight" as the space shuttle Discovery makes the first launch since the Columbia disaster just a few years ago. Working here at NASA WSTF is exciting today simply because excitement is contagious. Everybody here has had their part in the shuttle's success, weather it be large, small, direct, or indirect. I think everyone feels a little bit of pride today as the shuttle sits on the launch pad, ready to ascend into the sky. We're all scheduled to watch the launch from the conference room today. I can imagine that everybody will be holding their breath as the timer continues to count down...and they will continue to hold it as Discovery rises from sight. I hope everything goes well with the launch today and I know it will prove to be a spectacular sight. I wish I could be there.
Another interesting fact I learned recently is White Sands Space Harbor (WSSH) is the primary emergency landing site for the space shuttle and the third alternate site as well. What this means is: If the shuttle should have some malfunction or emergency, and NASA deems it "unsafe" to land at the normal location, it would land here in New Mexico at WSSH. This would be an incredible and exciting event in itself, but I hope it doesn't land here...because that would mean there would be a potentially dangerous problem. In case of bad weather or other complications at the primary and alternate landing sites, WSSH would also be used to land the shuttle.
Currently listening to: Pre-launch Commentary - NASA TV
Moving Sucks

I moved all day yesterday...not just moving like physical activity...moving stuff. My girlfriend and I were up till...I don't even know how late moving stuff. I don't remember moving sucking this much when I moved out of my parent's house. Maybe it's because it was SO nice to be out of there...I actually liked the house I was living in YESTERDAY. But oh well...that's just how it goes I guess. My room is currently filled with boxes...with a little path to walk to the door...the next week will consist of working in the day...unpacking at night. UGGGHH! does not sound fun.
I've decided that moving is a bit like not moving...in the sense that you're not actually doing anything...anything being everything but work...which is, in fact, what you are doing. I think I remember work being defined as exerting energy to move something...I think that's right because I remember a picture of a guy pushing on a wall and a caption that said "Is this man doing work?" and the answer was no, because although the man was exerting energy, he was not moving anything...not accomplishing a damn thing...except to make himself tired. What a dumbass. anyway that's exactly my point. That you can manipulate anything to mean anything you want it to mean. Like when I said that we didn't do anything. If I define anything to mean "everything except work" then we weren't doing anything, we were doing nothing...if nothing is defined as "work and nothing else...or work and not anything" Basically "not anything" translates to "nothing" anyway so you can just say "nothing" and I'll know you mean "not anything" because...pretty much that's what it means? Right? Left.
I just wanna wish erbody a happy forf of julio. I hope everybody had a good time.
Also, I wanna mention that Sean has deleted his blog...it is no more, in case you didn't already know. I know it's done...but I'm still sad. I was gonna have a big post about this...but I'm not in the mood. I'm in the mood to just say "I'm sad" and leave it at that. I'll probably leave the link on my site for a while...then delete it while nobody is looking. I hope everybody is having a good summer...I actually haven't heard from many people...at least not as many as I would have thought. It seems the summer has less activity that I originally thought. OH well. Also, if anybody is looking for a roommate, call me. Or if you know where I can get a job, let me know that too.
Currently listening to: "stick together" - kottonmouth kings
Also, I wanna mention that Sean has deleted his blog...it is no more, in case you didn't already know. I know it's done...but I'm still sad. I was gonna have a big post about this...but I'm not in the mood. I'm in the mood to just say "I'm sad" and leave it at that. I'll probably leave the link on my site for a while...then delete it while nobody is looking. I hope everybody is having a good summer...I actually haven't heard from many people...at least not as many as I would have thought. It seems the summer has less activity that I originally thought. OH well. Also, if anybody is looking for a roommate, call me. Or if you know where I can get a job, let me know that too.
Currently listening to: "stick together" - kottonmouth kings
I'm tired.
im tired