I'm so proud...
Blogger, I salute you!
I was just looking back at all my old posts, as I do from time to time, and thinking about how boring life was before blogger. I remember not knowing how to express how I felt. I used to write in this notebook. It was so...primitive. Blogger changed my life. I know that sounds all infomercial and everything but just think about how things would be if we couldn't just look at eachother's sites and know...It's somehow a better way of keeping in touch. It's like calling everybody at once and telling them what happened to you. I know I sound all soft but I can remember a time when I didn't have blogger. I remember when I found out about it too. I saw "How Blogs Work" on How Stuff Works. I was immediately hooked. I started my blog as soon as I could. At the time, I could only blog from work. I had just moved out of my house and I didn't have internet at my house for about 2 months. So for those two months, I tried to think of things to post, then recall them when I got to work. I was always trying to find interesting things to say...until I realized that a blog is whatever you are. You can post about anything and nothing and it's the same as promoting your favorite site or linking to somewhere... Sean saw my site and started one soon after. Welcome to the Jungle was born. We tried to post all the time, and about our favorite stuff. I remember posting a lot about Grand Theft Auto. Sean Posted about Halo. We were young bloggers, we didn't know what we were doing. Not that we do now, but I like to think that after 6 months, we are seasoned enough to keep readers interested. That's why you won't see too many posts as long as this one. This however, is important. History (I like to think). I can't remember what came next...probably Dust's site, full of Misha Pics. Carmen Electra came into the Jungle some time before that though. A while later, Dick, Lola, and Ashleigh joined the blogsphere. The only one still here is Lola's, I'm Special. Sometime in between here I discovered Distracted By Shiny Objects and took inspiration from Steimer to open up a whole new way to blog: Humor. After this, the bloggers flooded in. I couldn't keep up with the promos. Crazy Eric wanted in, so F**ker Head was born. Sometime after, Laura started The D Files and let us in on the happenings at Dartmouth. By this time, the storm of Bloggers was creating a community and comment frenzy. Back and fourth as we do today were comments and conversations. New ideas were all over the place, one of which was a multi-authored venture by Sean and I with F**ker Head. Since Eric's posts were few and far between, we decided to take on the challenge of expressing our anger for all to read. This same idea led to The Same Blog. Dustin and Dick felt that everybody could contribute to one blog and it would be great...so we did it. The blog craziness continues with anonymous commenters and controversy on Starry Night (Abby's Site), and Questions of the Day on InsertCatchyTitleHere (Amy's Site)...And don't think I forgot to mention the newest member of the Blogsphere: Big Jake with Big Jake's Spirit of the Wild. With all these blogs out there now, I feel pressured to write great posts every day...but I wouldn't have it any other way. I could never feel out of the loop with this community we have created together, and I'm sure all the other members feel the same way. All of this is not to say that we are the only blog-mmunity out there. There are millions of blog-webs out there, but ours is pretty damn cool and I'm sure it will keep growing...
Currently listening to: "Hail Mary" - Tupac (Makaveli)
I just wanted to let you know that I did, in fact, see the comments on my "Blind Rage" and "God Bless America" posts. I don't know why some people have that much hostility toward me...I get angry sometimes but usually it's not directed at one person. I know why some people may not be happy with me right now, but that doesn't constitute comments like that, especially on a site like The Vision. I try to keep this site PG-13 for our younger readers and those who don't appreciate vulgarity and crude speech. I slip every once in a while but I think it works quite well considering my other two sites that I share with bloggers. These other sites contain vulgar language and content but I try to keep this one as clean as possible. Sean, I think, does the same with his. We just started this way and we try to keep it this way. If you do have a problem with me that must be discussed in terms such as those (which is perfectly fine) I would appreciate it if you would take it someplace where I am free to defend myself in those same terms. F**kerHead or The Same Blog would suit this kind of confrontation just fine. Thank You.
Excellent Break
This weekend was great and not great at the same time
Sometimes nothing works out the way you planned, which sucks, but the way it works out is great...get what I'm saying? Of course you do, this has happened to you before. It has happened to everbody at least once...I wish the Thanksgiving break wasn't over but I can say, overall, it was really REALLY good (except for some REALLY bad moments). I need to go to bed, I was up till like 4 last night (I didn't check the clock, I just saw my posts at like 3:45 am and...well you know. I'm still not gonna count the hours...psychological stuff. Anyway, hope everybody's break was as good as mine. More posting tomorrow! (and no more drunk ones for a while)
Self Confidence Meter: (1-10) 5
Currently listening to: "Tall Trees" - Crowded House
Sometimes nothing works out the way you planned, which sucks, but the way it works out is great...get what I'm saying? Of course you do, this has happened to you before. It has happened to everbody at least once...I wish the Thanksgiving break wasn't over but I can say, overall, it was really REALLY good (except for some REALLY bad moments). I need to go to bed, I was up till like 4 last night (I didn't check the clock, I just saw my posts at like 3:45 am and...well you know. I'm still not gonna count the hours...psychological stuff. Anyway, hope everybody's break was as good as mine. More posting tomorrow! (and no more drunk ones for a while)
Self Confidence Meter: (1-10) 5
Currently listening to: "Tall Trees" - Crowded House
Wild on...Jake?
Jake's Spirit of the Wild is now open for business. Check it out if you have a chance...well, check it out if you don't have a chance. It's heavy on...well you know if you looked at Sean's site.
Self confidence meter (1-10) 2
Currently Listening to: "It's a wild world" (Cover) - Tesla
I know you know (know)
When you hear that crazy echo (echo)
You know who it is (is)
Who's runnin this biz (biz)
Who on top of things (things)
Who got the drop on things (things)
I aint Santa but I got a list (list)
I'm breakin down doors wit my iron fist (fist)
I'm like crazy eric, punchin holes in shit (shit)
But my purpose isn't evil, not even a little bit (bit)
I try to do good with my crazy echo (echo)
But sometimes I get caught up, I gotta blow (blow)
And thats when you'll hear me comin down the skreet (skreet)
I'm the craziest echo you'll ever meet (meet)
When you hear that crazy echo (echo)
You know who it is (is)
Who's runnin this biz (biz)
Who on top of things (things)
Who got the drop on things (things)
I aint Santa but I got a list (list)
I'm breakin down doors wit my iron fist (fist)
I'm like crazy eric, punchin holes in shit (shit)
But my purpose isn't evil, not even a little bit (bit)
I try to do good with my crazy echo (echo)
But sometimes I get caught up, I gotta blow (blow)
And thats when you'll hear me comin down the skreet (skreet)
I'm the craziest echo you'll ever meet (meet)
I'm sick and tired in more ways than one. I can't think...Skrait. I can't see. I don't know who it is! But I have an idea...I'm not making sense. That's OK cause you know what I mean...right?
Currently listening to: "Get Naked" - Methods of Mayhem
Currently listening to: "Get Naked" - Methods of Mayhem
I Died Today
Sometimes I have visions in my dreams, so here is the first of what may become many "Brett's Dreams" posts:
I died today and nobody noticed.
I died and they didn't say a thing.
I guess they did notice, they were shocked.
Nobody cried though.
Not at first.
Then the tears came.
Not from my brothers.
They rode that night.
To find he who was responsible
and deal.
They dont ride usually
but they rode for me
to avenvge what had occured
There were tears by her
and her
and her, and her friend
and her too.
Most didn't believe it
but down the road
they still "poured out a little liquor" at the parties
they hung up my shirt
"Bartender" forever on the wall
nobody could put it on
but all I needed was their tears
and I was satisfied
if they didn't care...I couldn't go on
what was my life, if nobody noticed my absence?
But they rode, and they cried, and they hung up my shirt.
So now...I'm ok.
Currently Listening to: "Still Loving You" - The Scorpions
I died today and nobody noticed.
I died and they didn't say a thing.
I guess they did notice, they were shocked.
Nobody cried though.
Not at first.
Then the tears came.
Not from my brothers.
They rode that night.
To find he who was responsible
and deal.
They dont ride usually
but they rode for me
to avenvge what had occured
There were tears by her
and her
and her, and her friend
and her too.
Most didn't believe it
but down the road
they still "poured out a little liquor" at the parties
they hung up my shirt
"Bartender" forever on the wall
nobody could put it on
but all I needed was their tears
and I was satisfied
if they didn't care...I couldn't go on
what was my life, if nobody noticed my absence?
But they rode, and they cried, and they hung up my shirt.
So now...I'm ok.
Currently Listening to: "Still Loving You" - The Scorpions
Oh my Starry Eyed Surprise...
So I had a really good day today...In case you didn't know...and care remotely. I only went to one class, but it doesn't matter, CAUSE WE DONT HAVE SCHOOL FOR A WEEK!!!!!! yep...I don't even know what to say...I'm at a loss for words. I'm playing tennis tomorrow, hopefully (Dust). And I hope it's not too cold...shit, what am I saying, I know what I want to say, I just can't get it out. I have that problem a lot. Especially in person. But I guess this post is a lost cause. It's only here to let you know that I had a good day, in case you wanted to know. HAVE A GOOD ONE!
Currently Listening to: "Starry-Eyed Surprise" - Paul Oakenfold feat. Shifty
Currently Listening to: "Starry-Eyed Surprise" - Paul Oakenfold feat. Shifty
Despite my best efforts...
Despite my best efforts, Sean (with a little help from Abby and Amy) has persuaded me to think about moving to Albuquerque. I tried and tried to resist, but I just can't help wanting to be up there with everybody...The A's are moving up there after next semester, and Sean's already there...I'll be the only one left here. The only thing that keeps me here is this incredibly good job I have. I know I complain about it sometimes but it has so many benefits that its hard to even think about leaving. This job currently pays 9 bucks an hour (a lot for LC) and every 30 hours in school, I get a 1 dollar raise. So at the end of college (if I stay here) I will be making around 14 dollars an hour. Also, my maximum time allowed to work during school is 20 hours. I cannot work more. That is great for study time...I don't really use it for that but, its good in theory. Also, any time I'm not in school, I can work 40 hours, and at 10 dollars +, this is bank! One of the best benefits is that I get paid for any government holidays (which there are surprisingly a lot of) and I get vacation time and sick leave. I feel like a real adult with a real job, I mean...Vacation time? I didn't get that at McDonald's! In thinking about the future, this job usually ends when I graduate college. About 90 percent of Co-ops (that's what I am) get hired by the company that employs them while in school. What this means for me, is that, when I graduate, I have a pretty good chance of getting picked up by NASA. That is great, a government job, with benefits and all kinds of good stuff, I wouldn't even have to look for a job...It's just so hard to think about leaving. If I can find a high paying job up in the ABQ, comparable to this one, I will move there, but it seems pretty hard to top this one...I'll be looking (Sean, keep your eyes out) and if anyone else sees something I might be qualified for, let me know.
Currently Listening to: Myself breathe through my mouth (I'm sick, thanks guys, you know who you are)
I got a little story - kinda sad, kinda funny
I used to have this little metal box full of money
Now I have the box, but it's got nothing in it
The sad part is that I don't know how to fill it
I shouldn't have had so much fun, but I did and now I'm payin
I guess what that means is that I'm grounded from playin...
Now I forgot the funny part of this post
but maybe in a while I'll be "chillin the most"
Currently listening to: "Cowboy" - Kid Rock
I used to have this little metal box full of money
Now I have the box, but it's got nothing in it
The sad part is that I don't know how to fill it
I shouldn't have had so much fun, but I did and now I'm payin
I guess what that means is that I'm grounded from playin...
Now I forgot the funny part of this post
but maybe in a while I'll be "chillin the most"
Currently listening to: "Cowboy" - Kid Rock
I'm so sighted
going to japan
I can hardly contain myself. Tha Bartender is going up to Tha ABQ to party it up fa sho! You know the captain comes down every once in a while to party it up don her, so I decided to return the favor (thanks to our friends at Starry Night and Catchy Title) We will all be riding up there to take down the party. It sounds cold up there so I hope it's not too bad. I'm not used to that stuff you know. Anyway, just a lil post to say I'm sighted and prolly not going to post tomorrow, but look for a Sunday post about the weekend. I want it to be thanksgiving! I want school to be over!! Who's with me? We'll all just quit school, take over japan, and make a law that you don't have to have a degree to get a cool-ass job! Sound good? OK. Who has a boat...
Currently Listening to: The clock (still ticking...those things just don't stop you know!)
The Finale
R. I. P.
Finals are coming up, I even have a "take-home" final right now. I just wanted to point out that fact to make everybody aware that the average number of posts will probably go down this month because of school. In any case, I'm glad we're almost done with school...well, not done but on a break for a while. I like this long break we're gonna get for christmas...........I've hit a wall. This is the first time I have....nothing to post aboot. Laura, you and me both. In the news, I heard that ODB died recently. I have yet to find out what the cause of death was but if anybody has the specifics, please comment with the info! I'm gonna miss that Old Dirty Bastard.
ABQ we comin!
Currently Listening to: "Baby, I got yo money" - Old Dirty Bastard
THE SUN!!!!!!!!!
Sorry the last post was a little disorganized, but I have to let erbody know (if you don't already)...THE SUN IS OUT IN THE "LC"!!! Yes! I'm so happy! Really. These clouds were buggin the hell outta me. Fly at a BBQ nawmean. Really, I was feelin a little down, a little depressed, a little disorganized. I missed light! I'm so glad the sun is back. I missed it. Anyway, I will leave you with my first daily 80's question. (instead of a quiz)
Who sang the 1983 hit, "Every Breath You Take"?
Currently Listening to: Work noises (typing, printing, beeping, ringing, gunshots...)
Just One of Those Days
I also blew up this small town yesterday...cause I felt like it.
Sorry guys, yesterday was just one of those days...I got shot 9 times in the head. Not really! Would I be writing this if I got shot in the head? Well, come to think of it, I probably would. See. How dedicated is that? If I was hospitalized for being shot 9 times in the head, I would STILL post. Yesterday sucked and I couldn't even find the time to write 2 words, no joke. Anyway, I tried some of that Chunky Chili that Sean was promo-ing on his site the other week. IT'S GREAT. Tha Captain actually brought me some of that stuff. IN-POOING-CREDIBLE! I can't believe it, if you have not tried this...soup?...stew?....CHILI, then go out and buy yourself a can...or 10. Right now. Go! Go buy it! Also, Abby now has a blog, check it out: Starry Night OK well I'm pissed though cuz Tesla (the greatest band ever) was touring with The Scorpions (the other greatest band ever) and they came to El Paso. I couldn't go cuz I had homework. What kind of world is this that school will hold me back from such a monumentous occasion? How am I going to sit at home and write a paper on the career fair when The two greatest bands ever are in the vicinity? I just did. I tried not to think about it. OK well I need to get off blogger and do...(guess, go ahead)...HOMEWORK. Four more weeks, four more weeks, four more weeks..........
Currently Listening to: "Finally Found a Reason" - Days of the New
Oye Como Va
Something has happened. Just kidding. Nothing really happened. Isn't that vierd? OK so, again, I must apologize for not posting yesterday, I'm sure you all missed my Sunday whine fest...or you didn't. Maybe I shouldn't be so arrogant as to think that you all read my site everyday...religiously. I hope that you do, but I shouldn't think so. Maybe I'll get one of those site counter things that Sean and Dust have to verify. Or not. That's a little like looking at the clock before you go to bed. I don't do that, for those of you who didn't already know. I purposely avoid looking at the clock before bed. I don't want to know what time it is before I go to sleep because then, in the morning, I can count the hours and it makes me MORE tired to know that I only got 5 hours of sleep. I think fatigue is at least 50% psychological. If I know that I will be tired in the morning, I make myself think I am tired...feel tired. Of course there is real fatigue but you mind makes it worse if you know that you went to bed at 2am and woke up at 5am. Anyhow, some of the people that know this about me (which includes you now) like to mess with me by telling me what time it is right before I go to bed...so I'd appreciate it if you didn't. Thanks. Lots of homework to do, people to screw, and popsicle sticks to glue.
Currently listening to: NOTHING (going insane, what is life w/o music?)
Amy's On
See Inside My Head
I was just thinking, while eating my lunch, that people wouldn't like me as much (assuming they do) or even at all, if they could hear what I was thinking. I mean, I tear people up (In my head) and they don't even know it. I'll say "sure, no problem, I'll get those 5000 copies to you before 1:00pm" (said at 12:50) and in my head I'm saying "What the hell are you thinking, I'm not Aquaman, I can't copy 5000 pages, coallate, then staple in 10 F**kin minutes!" But they think: "wow, what a nice young man!" Really I'm not...I'm not a nice young man. Sometimes I wish people could see what I was thinking. Then I wouldn't feel so...dishonest. I'm sure nobody would like the "inside Brett's head" me anyway - He's a jerk. I think that maybe everybody has this side to them. An "evil side" as I like to call it. Some little "you" on your sholder that says: "make 4999 copies and see what happens" But in the cartoons, there's always this other little "you" on your sholder telling you the right thing to do. I can't find that guy. I made 4999 copies. I got in trouble. You know what I said? "sorry sir, I don't know what happened, must have been the copier" Must have been the copier? Must have been the copier? IF YOU PUSH 5000, IT MAKES 5000. Machine's don't make mistakes like that, unless it ran out of paper. (which it didn't) But I guess he didn't think of that, because I'm still such a "nice young man" in his eyes. Damn, what a nice young man I am.
Currently Listening to: The Copier: "Beep, Beep, Beep, Beeeeeeeeeeeeeep!" I think I broke it.
Time Flies When You Die
Tunnel at the end of the light....or...
Doesn't time fly when you're dead? Or think you're dead? That's kinda how I feel right now. But I just realized that we only have like a 3.5 weeks of escuela left. SWEET!!!! OK I know I've been complaining just like EVERYBODY ELSE about how long this feels like...but near the end, when you feel like you're dying of fun deprevation and stress poisoning, the light at the end of the sewer looks even brighter than ever. "I can see it George, I can see dem rabbits!" I need this break, maybe not as bad as some, but PRETTY DAMN BAD. Let me tell you. This two day weekend crap just isn't doing it for me. What are you gonna do on your chirstmas break? Personally, I opted to work full time and party all night but I'm sure Christmas plans are varied, especially for those of you that are migrating home for the break. So whats the plan. RELAX, DON'T DO IT, WHEN YOU WANNA GO DO IT, RELAX, DON'T DO IT........WHEN YOU WANNA CUM. The moral of the lyric: Relax, cause you're gonna need that extra energy for the spring semester (it's gonna kick your ass). But do party it up, you know I will be doing that! I'm just a little exhausted, a little too excited for this break...the way things are looking though, I'm going to be more tired AFTER the break (you know why). Also, party this weekend if anybody wants to come...YOU'RE INVITED! This post is your official invitation! You know we gon blow, the captain's comin fa sho, we gon get down, an be jumpin aroun! it'll be a good time, don't ack like it's a crime, just get cho-ass don her, and make the weekend a blur! WHAT! So I'll fa sho let you know how it goes, if you don't come that is...
Currently listening to: The clock tick, tick, tick...I WANNA GET OUT OF HERE!!!!
The cool school
Why do we have classes like Biology. Why are there classes on math. What we need are classes like: How to lie, How to get a job, how to make extra money on the side, Mixed Drinks 101, Bartending...you know. Stuff we're gonna use in the realworld. I want something like Rap History. I need to take Cooking for Dumbasses. Power sleeping 211. Money laundering 385. Come on. Give me something I can use. Dealing Crack 111. Thats what we really need. How to not look like a retard when you're waiting for something. How to talk like a G. Does anybody else know of a class they would like to take? If we get enough, we just might start our own university!
Currently listening to: "Time after Time" (Cindi Lauper cover) - Matchbox 20
Shot through the heart...
I'm detached. Away from everything else. Drums. Beats. I got this beat in my head...it won't stop. Like my heartbeat. It won't stay with me where I'm going. Beat my chest. Hit my head. Make a fist. My eyes slow. Then nothing. Silence. Am I dead?
Currently Listening to: "What was I thinking" - Dierks Bently
Currently Listening to: "What was I thinking" - Dierks Bently
I have so much stuff to do but I just CAN'T make myself do it! I don't know why...I know I need to do it, I know it will be more work later if I don't do it now...I just can't do it. Homework, studying, dishes, laundry, brushing my teeth (kidding). I don't know what I can do. I just want to sit around and play Grand Theft Auto. I just want to blog all day. I would post about anything and everything I could think about before I do my math homework...in fact, that's EXACTLY what I'm doing right now. If you haven't already noticed, this post isn't really about anything at all, it's just a way for me to push my HW all the way to 12:00. I keep you readers in mind though so, following Steimes lead, here is a picture of a "tall glass of puss...kitten"
now that's funny!
Currently listening to: "Big Poppa" - Notorious B.I.G.
now that's funny!
Currently listening to: "Big Poppa" - Notorious B.I.G.
Peanut Butter and Jelly
When there are good things, you put them together and you get something better...right? This philosophy doesn't work with everything but we're trying it in the blogsphere. Check this out, everybody on...(ready for this)... THE SAME BLOG.
Time Travel Post
I'm falling down again
I don't know why but I'm falling backwards
I want to be where I was, but can only be where I am; but the place where I am is only a place where I want to be where I was
So how am I to help myself
Nobody knows me
I'm not really like this
I don't really do this but I guess I do cause I'm doing it right now
I don't really see it
I don't really want it but I guess I do cause I'm feeding it everyday
I want to forget this whole thing
If I could go back or erase my memory...
I would give it all up for ignorance
If I didn't know what could have been...
If I didn't know what is now, I would be curious still
but I would be happy...still
I don't know why but I'm falling backwards
I want to be where I was, but can only be where I am; but the place where I am is only a place where I want to be where I was
So how am I to help myself
Nobody knows me
I'm not really like this
I don't really do this but I guess I do cause I'm doing it right now
I don't really see it
I don't really want it but I guess I do cause I'm feeding it everyday
I want to forget this whole thing
If I could go back or erase my memory...
I would give it all up for ignorance
If I didn't know what could have been...
If I didn't know what is now, I would be curious still
but I would be happy...still
I, Robot?
Since blogger wouldn't let me blog yesterday...or today, I got an idea: "Back to the primitive!" I used: PEN AND PAPER! (Bum, Bum, Baa!) Can you believe it? Anyway, I thought I would write my posts down so when I can finally blog (which will be today for you readers) I'll know exactly what I was going to post. Anyway, lately I've been feeling like a robot. At work, I walk down the hall to make copies and I don't even know it. When I get back to my desk with copies in my hand, I am amazed. How did I get these? I must have been to the copier again... I walk through the office in a daze. Some days I don't even know if I'm really even there. Sometimes I have to go to the bathroom and end up at the copier. Other times I have to make a copy and ask myself: "What am I doing in the bathroom?" My programming must have gotten messed up. I take orders all day, I don't even question them. I just do what they tell me, all day long. I have no input. I don't even have to think. Am I really real?
Currently listening to: Complete Silence (it's off Friday, I'm the only one here)
Blind Rage
Do you ever just get pissed off? I'm just so mad right now. I guess it could be because I had a bad day. Or maybe I'm just crazy...but I feel a little on edge right now. The hole in my wall talks to me. Not literally but its saying I shouldn't punch walls anymore. Cold blood...how can I feel so insensitive. I just wanna run through you, not hit you. Go through you. Wait, why am I talking to the wall? Cause it talked to you! Now I'm talking to myself. What did myself say, I couldn't hear you...come on a little louder...crazy. I'm goin crazy...Maybe even crazier than lola's monkey attack. I don't know what to do, I think I'll go punch the bag.
Currently Listening to: "Break Stuff" - Limp Bizkit
I know there will be tons of posts about this today but I just want to be the first one to say: Congrats Big "W", you made it thu, now we gots fo mo years witchu! I'm glad all this hoopla is finally over, now we can return to our normal, boring lives. I just hope all this division crap will go away, but I know that people will still be trying to argue about everything. So there you go, just a little post about what happened the day after election day in case you didn't know. Like if you are imprisoned in your basement with no TV or radio, but you have a computer with internet access but your browser is stuck on "The Vision"
Currently listening to: "Hail to the Cheif" - I don't know who it's by, but they're playing it for Bush on CNN right now
I was just reminded that the new FPS for Playstation 2 is out tomorrow and I have the preorder demo disc at home. I had lost sight of this game in the midst of the GTA frenzy but I had planned on mentioning it before the release. I am early only by one day but that gives you notice enough to go buy this game if you are so inclined after reading this post and an optional review from gamespot.com. I have played the first 2 missions of the game included on the demo disc and I am very impressed. I am currently hard to impress in light of GTA's release but this game is still one of my "must have" purchases. It has the usual FPS controls and the expected linear mission structure but after that, is different from other shooters. The graphics are very good and are supported well by the PS2 with minimal lag and high frame rate. I loved the death animations and sounds of this game. The enemy AI is incredible. I walked into a bunker that had been fragged only a moment before to find two "dead" bodies of enemy soldiers. As I walked out, the fakers shot me in the back. The enemy can also be seen: peaking around corners and finding cover when shot at. These enemies can also communicate what they see to eachother. One enemy saw me and yelled to his comrad to circle around and get me from behind. Sure enough, 30 seconds later, he came around the corner blasting. I tried the same level and snuck up on the first enemy before he could say anything and capped him (headshots account for more damage). And his buddy didn't circle around. This AI shows how much time the developers really put into this game. With that kind of determination, I would have to say, this game will turn out to be a great rival for other FPS in the same platform and may even challenge (other than graphics) games on other platforms such as...well, I won't name names, I know I will get a lot of backlash for what I was going to say. Anyway, if I have interested you, check out the gamespot preview and pick up the game tomorrow, I don't think you will be disappointed if you are a connoisseur of first person shooters.
Currently listening to: This stupid lady talk about how smart she is.